JJZolx;551704 Wrote: 
> Few SqueezePlay-based player settings are held on the server.  Syncing
> anything between players, SbS and mysb.com has turned out to be a
> nightmare for Logitech, so they're stored only locally.  If they ever
> get the syncing figured out maybe one day they'll make things as user
> friendly as with the old ip3k players.

Volume control IS one of the things that is handled in both the player
and the server. 

Whether volume is always max or not could be done just locally or it
could be done using the complex local/server approach that volume
control is dealt with. I'm leaning towards leaning towards letting
Logitech decide if its something they want as just a local setting or

Of course anyone could write an applet that does it locally and
bypasses any official word on the subject.

John S.

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