Lately, my SB Touch has been exhibiting an odd problem relating to how
both albums and tracks are added to the current playlist. Adding an
album in SB Server 7.5 results in a scrambled track order, and single
tracks added to an existing playlist are added randomly, not at the end
of the playlist. This also happens when using iPeng.

I also have a SB Classic which I run off the same server that has not
developed this issue. Tracks in added albums appear in the correct
order, and added tracks are placed at the end. This is a Touch-only

I've checked the settings for the Touch in the server, and everything
appears correct, i.e. nothing is set to operate randomly.

Any thoughts regarding this problem?

Subarctic Audiophile

Main System: SB Touch, Cambridge Audio DacMagic, Magnepan 1.6 speakers,
NAD c272 power amp, Monolithic Sound PA-1 preamp, Channel Islands
headphone amp.

Office: SB Classic, NAD C325 integrated amp, Cambridge SoundWorks Model
6 speakers.

Server: Dedicated Mac Mini running SS 7.5, ~22,000 FLAC tracks on
external 2TB WD drive.
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