I'm a user with a large library (320 Gb mostly mp3s and high bit rate
WMAs) trying to use an attached USB drive and I had endless problems
getting the last firmware working reliably. I had high hopes for this
first update. 

I deleted the squeezebox directory on my USB drive, did a factory reset
and started a scan. The first time it hung at 0% on the artwork scan.
The second attempt left over night showed "Server stopped due to a
problem" in the morning. At this point I've started to use the SBT, and
to be fair it works about as well as before. Its very slow, songs
sometimes stop shortly after starting and it occasionally crashes.
Other than that it's great.

I notice that the device still shows it is background scanning so
presumably it never finished the original scan. Now, I previously
deleted all large album art (with the 5 reserved names like folder,
cover etc; I kept other big jpgs) as that was a reported problem.
However, I never figured out how to identify large embedded album art
so maybe that is crashing it. Was this bug fixed? How hard would it be
to skip jpgs greater than a certain size?

As for large embedded album art, I've got 30000 files so finding them
has got to be automatic. The best bet I can think of is to write a
python script as there's a module available that will read ID3
metadata, I can't find an existing tool to sort files by embedded album
art size. Any ideas?

On the positive side it works well with my PC running the server and my
HTC desire running a squeezecontroler remote app. Leaving my PC on 24/7
costs about £200 a year though and I bought this to use standalone. I
guess I'll end up selling it on ebay as soon as a better model comes

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