vinhattieu;558211 Wrote: 
> Sorry for interrupting, but how do you disable the auto rescan?
I'm not 100% sure the rescan was cancelled. You could try the

First either connect the touch to wifi network or directly connect it
to your computer running a squeezebox server by ethernet cable, enable
remote login in the Touch. The default password is "1234".

>From your computer, SSH (you could use terminal in Linux/Mac, or Putty
in Windows) into the Touch (type ssh{your touch's
IP address}), enter the password.

You can change the password by type "passwd". To disable the
autorescan, type 
"cd /etc/squeezercenter/prefs" and edit the server.prefs file by type
"vi server.prefs"
look for "autorescan" by type "/autorescan" and navigate through the
matches by pressing "n" (next). Find the one line where it says
"autorescan 1" and move your cursor to "1", press "i" (insert), then
you can edit the file and change "1" to "0". Press "ESC" and type ":w"
(write to file) and ":q" exit. 

Now you need to type "sync" at the terminal. 

Next time you reconnect the USB drive to touch, you can SSH into the
touch, go to the USB drive by type "cd /media/sdx" where sdx is the
drive. You can then type "cd .squeezebox/cache/" and see whether the
database files are being updated. In my case they are not updated even
though the touch says it is scanning. And I never had the same bad
problems with music playing although it has been slow when I navigate
through the folders. 

There is also the option to disable precacheArtwork by doing the same
thing at server.prefs, although that did not make the squeezebox server
stable in my case.

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