Sometimes while the SB Touch is playing a track it displays a message
that it
was not able to fetch the information for the next song in the playlist
the server ("Could not open file" or words to that effect appear
shortly on the
Then when the current song is finished and it starts playing the next
song in
the list it shows this new song as having a track lenght of one hour
It will then be stuck on that track for an hour unless you stop and
playing. Did not have the patience to wait and see what happens if the
one hour
mark is finally reached.
The fact that it is not able to fetch the info for the next track is
possible a
WiFi issue, using a wired connection it does not occur. But I think it
handle this kind of network error more gracefully.
This problem did not occur with the official release version of 7.5.0.
started appearing with the official release version of 7.5.1.
It is also only happening on both of my SB Touch players, not on Duet
and not
on SB Radio

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