Hello all,

Since two months I have the Touch and I am very happy with its sound. I
already had the Duet so I use its Controller to start and stop the Touch
and to control volume. That worked 'out of the box' without any
problem(!) until yesterday evening!! I switched on everything as usual,
but the item 'my music' did not appear on the screen of the Controller
nor on the Touch. So I was not able to start music, also not from the
Squeezebox Server (7.5.1) on the PC (grey fields).

The only strange thing detected so far was an unknown device in our
router, maybe an intruder (?). After deleting it nothing changed, no
effects from resets also. In the router the Touch, the Controller and
the PC are known and active. Their IP addresses are fixed.

More information (partly translated from Dutch):
After Search on the Controller I get "connecting to mysqueezebox.com".
A little later: "Problem with connecting. This player is already linked
to another SqueezeNetwork account". Then if I click return: "Probleem
with connecting. Cannot make connection with mysqueezebox.com. Check
Squeezebox Server and connections". So I did but found nothing wrong as
far as I can tell.

On my Linux PC at www.mysqueezebox.com/player/viewPlayers I see:
"Squeezebox Touch, Status connected via"

But at http:\\ it says under player: "Your player was not
found" and at Basic Settings "Music Folder /home/eddie" (correct).

In the Squeezebox Server I read under Player: "This player is currently
connected to mysqueezebox.com. Do you want to switch it to this
Squeezebox Server?". Clicking yes does not work, it stays connected to
mysqueezebox.com. The other item in the menu-list is  Squeezebox Touch,
but it cannot be selected.

On the controller at Diagnostic data a.o.:
Firmware 7.5.1 r8885
IP-adres (correct)
IP-gateway en DNS-server (correct)
Ping OK
TCP-poort 3483 and 9000 OK
Registration: registered
Squeezebox Server Not connected
Name of music collection Not connected
Current music system Squeezebox Touch

So I have no idea what went wrong nor how to get it working again. Any

Kind regards,

EddieV's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=35233
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=81383

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