sendermen;581775 Wrote: 
> I cannot connect to the squeezebox at the same ip using \\
> (= server does not respond)

Are you trying this from Windows Explorer?  That should work if the IP
address is correct.  From accounts in the forums, the file sharing on
the Touch has definitely been flaky.  Some people have speculated that
the Samba server may be crashing due to memory or other problems on the

You can SSH into the Touch and restart the Samba server, which
sometimes works in getting it going again, or just try rebooting the

To restart Samba:

First, enable remote login through Settings > Advanced > Remote Login >
Enable SSH.

Then, using an SSH client (such as PuTTY for Windows), SSH into the
Touch (port 22) with username=root, password=1234.

Restart Samba with:

# /etc/init.d/samba restart

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