souwalker;597200 Wrote: 
> Now if I go to the Settings of the server software, I click the 'Player'
> tab and if I click 'Squeezebox Touch' drop down arrow, I see 2 SB Touch
> but they only bring up the Alarm settings.

Not sure what's going on there.  Maybe they're not attached to the
server, but to instead.

> With 2 Touch's and since I have not given them individual names yet, how
> do I identify which on is the older and/or new one to name them
> correctly?

You pretty much have to give them names to tell them apart.  You can
set the player name either in the web interface's Settings > Player >
Touch > Basics Settings, or on the player itself under Settings >
Squeezebox Name.  Obviously, if they both start out with the same name,
then doing it on the players is the only way to know for sure which gets
which name.

> Also, where in the server software do I go and adjust the time. The
> Touch is showing an hour behind.

It should take the time from the server, like all Squeezeboxes, but
make sure the timezone is set correctly on the player.  On the player
go into Settings > Advanced > Timezone.

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