Gerry123;601115 Wrote: 
> As far as I am aware the SBT doesn't need to be told which port to use.
> I stand to be corrected but the SBT will find a free port and use that.
> As per Toby, regardless of what port SBS uses the SBT should still
> connect.
> It's more likely to be your firewall if you cannot connect to SBServer
> or Group Policy is blocking all ports, although I didn't think it could
> do that.
> Gerry.

HI Gerry, this is Thierry again,  If i run SBS configuration screen and
click on tab information than SBS states its http port as 9001. The
diagnostics tab states this port also as 'OK'. --> When i check windows
firewall the port 9001 through 9100 are not listed as "exception". So i
assume they all work fine on my laptop. That is the reason wy i'd like
to change the port to 9001 on my SBT-player. Has anyone an idea how to
do this ? 
I already tried to a)reinstall the software on my SBT  b)reboot it
several times c)connect it by cable(ethernet) instead of wireless on my
--> no result

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