First of all, hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, but have been a user
of various Slimbox/Squeezebox systems for several years. I have a Mk 1,
a Mk3, a Duet, and have just purchased a Touch - so I'm pretty au fait
with most things Squeezebox! However, I have a problem which I hope
someone can shed some light on.

I bought the Touch to enable me to play hi-def (48kHz plus) tracks
natively without the server-side downsampling to 48kHz via Sox - but
this is unfortunately where I have my problem.

Standard 16/44.1 files play fine (as do 24/44.1). 24/48 and above play
fine via the S/PDIF output. However, I want to play these files through
my trusty old Technics Class AA amp via the Touch's DAC and phono

They play OK, but when I skip to the next track or fast-forward through
a track, I get a couple of "scratchy pops" through the speakers - both
channels, but slightly more so on the left than the right. This doesn't
happen through my other amp on the S/PDIF output. The sound's just like
a noisy switch/pot. 

As this is the reason for upgrading to the Touch, I'm keen to establish
whether I have a faulty unit or whether this might be a firmware issue.

Technical details:

Touch F/W vsn 7.5.1-r9218
Touch H/W vsn 5
Squeezebox Server vsn 7.5.2-r31362

What's also bugging me is that I'm sure I was also hearing the sounds
of a relay clicking inside the Touch unit simultaneously with these
pops, but I don't hear this now. Am I going ga-ga, or does the touch
have relays to switch the DAC to 48kHz plus? If it does, then a bad
contact on the relay would explain the audible pops.

Any help/suggestions welcome!



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