Phil Leigh;604963 Wrote: 
> Well, having got all that theory out of the way, all I can say based on
> over 25 years studio practice is that consumer s/pdif and AES/EBU turn
> out to be completely interconnectable in practice under most
> circumstances. I've NEVER damaged anything by connecting s/pdif to AES.
The problem would be the other way around. From the top of my head, AES
can output up to 7V whilst SPDIF allows max. 0.7V or so. Even though
it's good practice to allow for those 7 volts even on SPDIF, not all
equipment is designed that way.

> 192kHz s/pdif anyone?
The standard doesn't mention a max. frequency :D

> ADAT lightpipe over Toslink? 75-ohm phono connectors? SCMS (ha ha!)
It's weird that toslink isn't mentioned, that's true. 75 Ohm is
mentioned, don't know about the connector material. SCMS is a joke ;).

The problem with this standard, as with many, is that it isn't followed
rigidly by everyone. And exactly that creates problems like the one
showcased here. It's a miracle it so often works at all.

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