I'm not sure that wiki article is worth anything.  It says this of
"version 2" (which is the first time I've heard the term):

> Version 2
> Fab4 will provide network access, via Samba, to allow the user to
> update their library over the network

This was available in the first release version of the Touch firmware
(and really isn't a feature of TinySC itself).  So I have no idea what
the article's author is calling v2.  It almost seems to have been
written during the very early beta testing of the Touch.

One way you can configure TinySC is to SSH into it, shut down TinySC,
find the server.prefs file and edit it manually.  You can use a
server.prefs file from a full SbS installation to figure out which
preferences control what.  Change something using the web interface and
note which preference changes in the file.

One things to know, though... TinySC is based on the full SbS, but it
also knows which version it is and doesn't always honor all options.

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