Any news on this issue ?

I'm experiencing a similar issue with the tiny server runnin on the
If I try to access my music via genres and choose a file of an artist
with just one file in this genre (or maybe missing album tag), the
listed album is "empty" ("leer" in german UI). I cannot pick this
"empty" item and consequently cannot access the song(s) of this artist.

Running the regular SBS on my PC (Linux) for the same files, it lists
the "empty" album item as well, but it does list a second group marked
as "no album" (or sim ilar - can't remember), which contains the
"requested" songs.
On SBS I'm able to access these files.

I've tested both options for the filter settings as described above,
but it didn't make a difference. 
Is this a known bug for 7.5.3 ? Does 7.6 firmware show similar
behaviour ? (It it worth an upgrade ?)
Any suggestions ?


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