I have owned my Squeezebox Touch for less than a week and cannot begin
to describe my frustration and disappointment with the product. I have
had nothing but problems with it since day one.

I am running it attached to a Buffalo Ministation 500GB USB-powered
HDD. When first attaching it to the Touch, it took about 2 hours to
locate and index all of my 22,000-odd tracks, around 80GB worth of

The first issue I had was that the unit was splitting single albums
into multiple albums, which although annoying and time-consuming to
solve, was easy enough to fix using MP3Tag. Although it resulted in
another 2 hours of downtime while it re-scanned the USB to index the
files all over again.

Things were working well enough though, I had listened to a few albums
and was enjoying the unit, I found the responsiveness great, and the
integration with the official SB Android app on my Desire HD worked
flawlessly... then this morning, when attaching the USB drive (I
disconnect when not using to save wear on the disk), it took around 5
minutes to start SBS, played one file, after spending about 10 minutes
loading the album, and then lost connection to the USB. "Local music
service has encountered a problem" or words to that effect, was the
error message. No indication of what the problem was, so I'm trying to
fix it blindfolded. It has lost connection on a number of occasions
throughout the week - why does this happen when it is connected to a
local USB drive?!

This has now occurred four or five times today, trying to play the same
album. The next MAJOR issue is that the server has just reset itself and
begins "discovering files"... why has it lost all of the indexed files?!
I am now facing another 2 hours of downtime while I wait for the unit to
rediscover all of the music, before I can begin thinking about how to
fix it.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can go about making the device
work as intended? If I have left out any pertinent info I am happy to

Other problems I have had... minor issues... which I wouldn't mind some
guidance with...

1. Is there any way to group albums by Album Artist rather than Artist?
For example, I would like albums by "Method Man & Redman" to be grouped
under the album artist "Method Man" rather than as two separate
2. The Android app doesn't seem to be reading from the internal SBS - I
have added a few new albums which show up on the touch device, but not
on the mobile app - any ideas? Although to be honest, I'd happily take
suggestions for an alternative app.

Sorry for the essay and thanks in advance.

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