nicolas75;656221 Wrote: 
> Thanks for your help.
> I must say I don't feel like tweaking TinySBS and would far prefer this
> feature being part of standard TinySBS without installing a plugin.
> With 22 votes, we can hope Logitech pay attention and fix TinySBS with
> clear and user friendly messages, I doubt it is very complicated to
> do.
> Anyway if I find some time to try that, I'll let you know.
I've added it as a patch in my "Patch Installer", so anyone that wants
to try it can now install it by:
1. Install "Patch Installer" applet through "Settings/Advanced/Applet
2. Goto "Settings/Advanced/Patch Installer" and select to install
"Disable auto rescan" patch

The result of this is:
- There will be no automatic scanning what so ever, so the only way to
get things into the normal "Artists", "Albums" menus is by browsing the
"My Music/Music Folder" menu or playing tracks.
- There is no way to perform a scanning of the complete library, you
can only scan by browsing into a folder and in that case it will only
scan the tracks inside that folder. I'm not sure a full rescan can be
easily added as using the standard scanner will probably use too much
resources, I'm guessing this is a reason why Logitech wanted auto
rescan enabled by default.
- It's really slow, browsing into my main music library which contains
about 280 album folders takes about 30 seconds. Also, starting
Squeezebox Server takes at least 30 seconds.

So based on this, I'd say that there is no simple solution to get a
system with decent performance. The above might work better than it
does for me if you have a hierarchical folder structure and not a flat
structure like me, but I suspect most people are going to find the
performance too bad to be usable. It's of course still better than the
current auto scan enabled version which makes it impossible to use at
all for some users.

I think the only solution that would actually work would be to
implement a lua applet that played music only locally on the Touch,
with no support to stream music to other players and only supported
folder based browsing with no reading of tags and similar stuff.
Unfortunately this is something we can forget that Logitech will do and
it's something I'm not interested in personally, so it has to be done by
someone else that actually wants it and knows lua or is willing to learn


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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