Since the 7.6 updates my SB Touch really worked a lot better and more
stable. Yesterday during music playback there was a sudden poof crash
and the SB did a restart. Then it prompted for the 7.6.1-r9486 update.

Now after installation, there are two problems: 

1 I cannot access my music folder, it says: 
"music folder is not available while scanning"
Normally the Touch finishes scanning in about 20 minutes, but now it's
been on on for 10 hours. I tried restarting, starting and stopping the
SB server, ejecting the HD etc. but to no avail. 

2 I cannot modify any of the files and cannot add music tracks via my
I get permission errors when I try to remove files on the HDD via my
network. This used to work fine. 

In the messages log there are two errors:
Oct  6 06:39:39 squeezeplay: ERROR  squeezebox.server.cache -
SlimServer.lua:894 _getArtworkThumbSink(/music/463/cover_180x180_m.png)
error: keep-alive timeout

Oct  6 06:39:50 squeezeplay: ERROR  squeezebox.server.cache -
SlimServer.lua:894 _getArtworkThumbSink(/music/462/cover_180x180_m.png)
error: inactivity timeout

Now I'd love to delete this file, but obviously I can't because I don't
have access to the folder...

Does anyone have an idea why my Touch is behaving like this and how to
solve this issue? Thanks!

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