I'm bumping this thread, as I am having issues as well.

Started off on 7.5.2 with no issues.  Upgraded my OS to Fedora 15,
which caused issues I really couldn't get resolved, so I upgraded my
Server to 7.6.2-33593 which seems to function OK, except it can't seem
to handle an any sort of embedded cover art specified in an APIC frame.
Artwork specified in cover.jpg is fine and there are no issues.

On scanning the library it errors like this, but continues scanning and

[11-10-25 22:59:42.9369] Slim::Utils::ImageResizer::sync_resize (130)
Error resizing /samba/tmp/mp3test/c4/dandy.mp3: Can't resize unknown
type, magic: 22_222_222

After the scan completes, I can see and listend to all of my music.  In
the web interface, when looking at album with embedded cover art, the
cover shows up as a broken pic, and if you look under the covers, the
URL for the cover art returns 500 with a similar resize error:

[11-10-25 23:09:47.9063] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (83)
Artwork request: music/c404127e/cover
[11-10-25 23:09:47.9079] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (123)  
Resize specification:
[11-10-25 23:09:47.9094] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (307)  
Resizing: /samba/tmp/mp3test/c4/dandy.mp3 using spec
[11-10-25 23:09:47.9112] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1236) Warning:
[23:09:47.9108] Reading tags from audio file...
[11-10-25 23:09:47.9131] Slim::Utils::ImageResizer::sync_resize (130)
Error resizing /samba/tmp/mp3test/c4/dandy.mp3: Can't resize unknown
type, magic: 22_222_222
[11-10-25 23:09:47.9145] Slim::Web::Graphics::__ANON__ (334)   Resize
failed, returning 500
[11-10-25 23:09:47.9156] Slim::Web::Graphics::__ANON__ (336) Artwork
resize for music/c404127e/cover failed

Downgraded to 7.6.1-33110 and have the same issue.

Uploaded test case:  eliot_rosewater_embedded_artwork_issue.tar.gz

Eliot Rosewater

Players: Squeezebox 3, Duet, Touch
Hi-Fi  : B&W CM-5, Cambridge Audio Azur 540A, Cambridge Audio DacMagic
Eliot Rosewater's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40865
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=89045

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