garym;679070 Wrote: 
> and lossless is lossless is lossless  ;-)
> p.s. I use compression of 5 on my flac files (the default). there have
> been situations where highly compressed (8) 24/96 files had some
> problems being decoded on some players. Don't think this is an issue
> anymore, but the file size difference between 5 and 8 is trivial.

Well, lossless always equals extra work somewhere. I store all my music
in AIFF format, which works well with iTunes and JRMC and pretty much
every other player. 

But, doing so presents a problem with the Touch. I can't stream hi-res
AIFF to the Touch natively,  unless I let the server transcode it to
FLAC. Redbook files, yes. Hires? Nope, the Touch will put out something
that resembles the DAC loosing lock.  (Okay, I use an external DAC too.
) :) 

This is anything but brilliant. Uncompressed AIFF --> Compressed FLAC
---> Network ---> Uncompress FLAC to PCM on Touch ---> play music. 

If anything, I would prefer the server to uncompress everything and
stream it as PCM. Might put a small load on the network, but better
that than the Touch. :) 


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