The Touch's Wallpaper needs to be EXACTLY 480x272.  I took a few Iron
Maiden, Van Halen, a Star Trek, a couple of cool computer art and 1
Ricky Gervais animated show wallpapers and resized them.  They work
pretty well and the only thing that would be nice is to be able to
change the color of the font on the Touch.  The white can be a bit hard
to read on some, but I just didn't quite "get" how to configure Erland's
plugins to know if I could use one to do that.  You can take any picture
and crop & shrink to get to that, take a bit of tweaking to get it just
right, but can be kinda cool. So anyway here are the 3 I use the most.

|Filename: 2nd                                               |

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