Was that on the std or expedited delivery option?

I just checked mine on std delivery and they use HDNL which I think is
yodel. I've only used them 3 times (none through choice) and had
problems every time. They are totally useless grrr....


SB3 Deep Blue screen - 2 Clocks, 3 Low noise regs, SEPC & ZA caps,
External PSU 80VA, Hexfred & Mundorf SI, RA Signature PowerKord.
Audio Aero Capitole MKII Spinner & DAC, RESTEK fantasy (modded),
Heavily modded SL-1200MKII, Focal 706v kimber rewire and Mundorf
Supreme in crossovers, 8TC speaker cables, Kimber power cables & NNUX
mains filter.
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