MWelschenbach;691423 Wrote: 
> After some struggeling with the installation process kernel #2 works
> nicely with Soundcheck's TT 3.0. However, as John Swenson already
> mentioned in an earlier post, it is necessary to disable the priority
> mod by editing the file /etc/init.d/rcS.local.  In order to play files
> with 24bit/96khz without crackles and interrupts I had also to increase
> the buffer to 20.000 (TT command tt -b 20000). SQ is sweet.
> Michael

I was able to get the HRT Music StreamerII to work with a buffer of
5000, the 3400 that TT3.0 uses by default did not work. 20000 works as
well but it did not need to go that high. I haven't done much in the
way of listening tests with TT3.0 to see what makes a difference and
what does not. The testing I have done seems to point to the kernel
mods that are part of the base installation being the most effective
with the HRT.

John S.

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