JJZolx;694392 Wrote: 
> I always get rid of Now Playing. My standard screensaver when playing is
> Now Playing, and you can also get there by hitting the music note in the
> upper right corner.

That's a good point - there's no real need to have it on the Home Menu
at all, especially if the device is set to revert to New Playing after
a few seconds anyway...




SqueezeCenter Version: 7.6.1 - r33110, Classic Web UI, Win7 Home Prem
64-bit, #7600. 
Music Library on internal HDD (FLAC for music; mp3 for talking books

US System:
LinkSys WRT54GS Router, WPA2
2 x Touch, wireless. (Firmware: 7.7.1-r9558)

France System:
Sagem Livebox 2FR
1 x SB3, wireless. (Firmware 137)
1 x Touch, wireless. (Firmware: 7.7.1-r9558)
Controller: 7.6.1-r9482 (was: 7.5.3-r9377)
2 x SB Radios [1 wireless, 1 usually LAN]: 7.6.1-r9482 (was:
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