rgro;696833 Wrote: 
> Thank you both.  In light of your commenets, I did a bit of research on
> the Rega dac.  It seems that its USB interface only supports up to 16
> bit/48khz files.  
> While I don't have a huge amount of 24 bit/88/96khz files, I have
> enough that I don't think I would sacrifice those in order to make the
> switch.
> Apparently there are several ansychronous USB to SPDIF convertors (the
> MF V-link being one) that will handle up to 24/96khz files.  But, I
> wonder if adding another device that converts the asynch usb back to
> SPDIF is going to make me no better off, or even worse off than just
> staying with my current configuration (aside from purchasing a
> different dac).  Any thoughts on this?

I have the Rega DAC too, BTW. Anything that has SPDIF as its output is
going to suffer from the main design flaw of SPDIF: namely the need to
recover the clock from the data. If you could go USB to I2S such that
the clock is transmitted explicitly and separately from the data, you
could get benefit from a USB D2D converter; otherwise, if the final
link to the DAC is SPDIF, I would be very surprised if there was a
(non-placebo) audible benefit. 

If you wanted to try this out anyway, just to test a null hypothesis, I
would go with something like the M2 Tech Hi-Face EVO USB to SPDIF


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