Could you please post some actual numbers,
what your timezone offset from GMT is, what the Touch time is when
getting time from, what the Touch time is when
connecting to the Qnap, and what the boom time is and what the actual
time is? This will help a lot in trying to track down what is

My guess is that its the way the time on the server is set. Time on a
computer can be set in two ways:
1) the time in the computer's clock is set to GMT and a timezone is set
equal to your local offset from GMT. Thus any application shows the
correct local time
2) the time in the computer is set to local time and the timezone is
set to zero offset from GMT, you still get the correct local time from
an application.

BUT when a program asks for the time (such as the Touch) it gets the
time in the computer's clock, which is different in the two cases
above. The Touch is assuming that the time it gets from the server is
GMT and it applies an appropriate offset using the timezone you set.
The boom on the other hand does not have a local clock, the server
displays the time directly on it's display, so the boom will be correct
in both cases because the server will be displaying using the time on
the server and the timezone set on the server.

So after all that I hope its obvious that my guess is that your Qnap
has its clock set to local time rather than GMT and its timezone is set
to zero offset. 

If the Touch and Radio are always off by the amount equal to your
offset from GMT than it's pretty certain that this is the case. IF so,
the solution is to set the clock on the Qnap to be set to GMT and the
timezone on the Qnap to be set to whatever your timezone is. Then
everything should sync up and you get the same time from everything.

John S.

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