cfv wrote: 
> I bought my SBT a week ago and stumbled across it the same day. Since
> then, I've been using Kernel #1 with my 8200CDQ for flawless Redbook
> FLAC playback without a hub. If I install the new applet, will this
> option still be available? So far I don't need higher bitrates and
> therefore wouldn't like to add a hub I don't need. Or do you recommend
> switching to the new applet and using a different digital connection?
Please try the new applet - it has an option for using without a hub for
dacs like the 8200CDQ/MDAC which allow it.  When you install and select
a usb dac, if it is a usb 1 async dac connected directly it should give
you the option of enabling this workaround.

> One more question: When I allow the CDQs volume to be controlled via
> USB, the SBT sets it to -0dB during boot (which probably woke up my
> neighbours the first time it happened). It's easy to turn that option
> off, but would it be possible to add volume control via USB to your
> applet? Then I wouldn't need the CDQs remote for my listening sessions
> at all. Yes, I'm just being lazy and, yes, this is of lowest priority.
> ;)
I don't know about this - this is probably more likely to be a question
for the dac software. Perhaps post on pink fish about this?

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