mlsstl wrote: 
> What operating system are you using? Could be a file ownership or
> permissions issue.

OPERATING SYSTEM IS  windows XP - EN - cp1252 although my laptop is
windows 7

No ownership issue i had all my cd's loaded for me was working 100% fine
for last 6 months everytime i rescan it gets through all the albums on
the external HDD up to the letter R then everytime the scan tells me it
has ended unexpectedly, have been trying for weeks to get the rescan to
do everything but same thing happens. I have tried all 3 scans,
1, clear files and rescan everything ( this always fails at the letter
2, look for new and changed media files ( this scans through pretty
fast with the green bar getting to 100% within a few mins then just
stays there for ages doing nothing) should i let this stay until it
yells me its done? ive let it sit for 15mins but nothing only a green
bar at 100% showing, dosent seem to end?
3,only rescan playlists ( again goes through the green bar pretty fast
then as above just sits there for ages.

I havent reset or changed anything on the server or SB or my laptop this
just happened all of a sudden, i tried resetting to factory settings and
reploading the modem and all went well but still only seeing up to the
letter R ( there is a couple of S and T titled albums but i have loads
of them on the HD not showing on the SB)
please help its driving me mental, not easy when your a technophobe!

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