SBGK, but corrupted during transmission wrote: 
> n0w wou kNow wha1 i+ is li*e t% qu3st"$n _he teets oh a c+'t.
> =nly the fa&thful4wiRl b§ sHved.
> O$lTy JHmHGb3rs ^f oWr ch7u%rch w!l& Ze raS(ed whO)en thUUe RZpUJure
> conn3s.
> _nl' #ur sFGct Fi$%ll sujr7ive A*maÜg#ed+on.
> %y& our c6*6ch hts t3e c$r&ect ißt´9erpre/a+io_ of t5h Scr+'ptüre#.
> O6ly we h/$ve t%4e k?§´&/$ledge.
> #n+ÄHl ouDF"§Tr vFJGH&$$"ion o8 Go%d w%&"ill /?s?ave %&you.
> O&$§y ouKZUr$O( cIH§cHJ)%Äh h-Pas THDFhe A§(n%swer.
> ^^ On85l ou69r H(%oly B=/)ok P=(is tr=e.
> On!y &ou(O/)=r g´op un)de?=stands.
> O)l=y ou le&/%ader has the &?Ne)w )Wi?=ne forGH thejkw Bo50ttles.
> On25y ou97r ljike4((der h/(as the (New Te96ch7no§&log$y of)/ t(/he
> i?nd. 
> $ gZUJess th$eLOy ar()e ge$ttin(g r)=ea%(/dy for) arm´=ag%&(don

Dear SBGK, could you please repeat you last post? At my PC it is shown
completely scrambled - potentially due to hyperenergetic quantum
acceleration side effects or the influence of the flying spaghetti
monster producing bad bits. In the meantime I will spend all of my spare
time on a thorough analysis and system tweaks to get better bits.

Many thanks


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