Welcome. One important question is whether or not you had volumes
equalized when you did your comparison of WD TV vs. SBT vs. Creative
MP3. Louder will almost always sound better. And from what I've seen a
lot of "very good EQ" introduces an increase in total gain, so it's
difficult to tell if the better sound comes from the EQ or the higher
volume. Checking the levels with a Sound Pressure Level meter is
generally a good idea for such comparisons. Also pay attention to
whether you have ReplayGain enabled on any of the devices.

To try to answer some of your questions.

1. It depends what DAC you feed the digital into. The Touch's DAC is
pretty good, and very good for the price. But you could do better, and
you may be able to hear the difference with your amp and speakers.

2. See #1.

3. Sorry, don't know this one.

4. I haven't seen one. Have you considered a hardware equalizer?

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