ILoveWindPower wrote: 
> Hi, I've currently got my SB touch streaming my music collection from a
> NAS box connected into our wireless router. It works nearly flawlessly
> except when I choose to play certain artists. When I click them on the
> touch, it brings up the "connecting to ...." screen, which will always
> result in a "cannot connect to ....." and crashes the whole server
> connection. The only way I've found I can reconnect to the NAS box is to
> go onto the NAS admin page, uninstall SB server and reinstall it again!
> Obviously, this is a pain in the arse, and I can neither determine the
> reason it happens consistently with the same artists or find an adequate
> solution online. All my music is in FLAC format, so I can't understand
> why some work flawlessly and others simply won't!
> Any suggestions would be great as it's really beginning to bug me that
> some artists are currently completely off-limit for listening via my SB
> Touch!
> Cheers in advance, ILoveWindPower!

What resolution 16/44.1 kHz or more ? messed with the file types
settings ? stream as native flac , don't force a poor NAS to transcode
to WAV/PCM ? .
Which encoder was used at what level ?
Are they in the format of one single file with a cue sheet ? (this also
works but also has a set of issues )

LMS only suports 2ch files they are not 5.1 ch flac ?

in mp3tag there is a menu for extended tags check that.

Also make sure there are only Vorbis comments (flac) not id3v tags or
something else at the same time .

Remove empty tag fields ?

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