Fermate wrote: 
> First of all: Does "local host" in this context mean the Squeezebox
> Touch or the Logitech Media Server?
I can't be sure - IRC the message text is generated by the OS as a
result of an error code returned by the network drivers. Is it "local
host" or "localhost" ?
I'm not sure it matters that much as the problem only manifests itself
for a few users which means it is probably a system setup issue rather
than a plugin code one.
> Q2: After I have selected the track to play (Spotify or WiMP) or the
> radio station, does the data traffic go directly from the Squeezebox to
> the router or thru my server?
Depends on the player and your setup. In Ireland we do not have Spotify
or Wimp so I can only guess.
For Touch players with default settings using http - then radio station
with AAC and MP3 play directly from station to player with a separate
back channel of program info going from player to LMS. OGG streams will
also play direct.
I don't know what happens in Wimp or Logitech Spotify.  With Triode
Spotify I believe there is a propriatery protocol which means Spotify
sends to LMS, LMS decoes and sends audio stream (OGG I think) to player.

> Q3: By security software, do you mean Virus control at the server?
> Firewall at the server? 
> -or packet inspection in the router?
Anything (that inlcudes ISPs traffic shaping, routers, firewall, network
optimisiing s/w, virus/trojan checkers, traffic monitors, proxy servers,
etc.) that can examine/stop/delay/change a packet coming from station to
player or LMS

> The server run on a dedicated W7 PC with “Microsoft security
> essentials” and firewall ON.
> I will turn off both and test more tomorrow.
Some security s/w needs to be uninstalled to check if it is at fault as
otherwise the s/w may still be handling packets.

> Neither of the plugins for Spotify/ WiMP or the Internet-Radio plugins
> have any settings for changing protocols (?)
I only suggested the change for BBC plugin.

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