Thanks John!

I did do a search but did not find that thread as I did not think to
search for NTP.

I read through the entire thread and did not understand all the
disucssion, as I don't know linux.  If I understood it correctly, Jean
created a NTP client which requires  downloading, some edits to select a
NTP server, transfering to the Touch, and finally execute the
script/program on the Touch.   However, the last post, says the Touch
already has a NTP client, I just need to start it up.   In other words,
I don't need to install Jean;'s script.

If the Touch already has the ability to automatically set the time, why
did they not turn it on?  (Michael, any idea?)

Below is the entry from the last post in John's link:

cfuttrup wrote: 
> Just so that future readers of this thread can be helped in the best
> possible way.
> For the latest setups NTP is already installed in the Touch.
> I have:
> Player Model: Squeezebox Touch
> Firmware: 7.7.2-r9663
> On the Squeezebox Touch
> Go into settings - advanced on the Touch itself and re-enable "remote
> login"
> Notice the password provided to you
> Run putty -ssh root@squeezebox (where squeezebox = IP address in your
> setup)
> Enter the provided password
> NTP is already installed ... type "ls -la /usr/sbin/m*"
> There's msntp ...
> You can (directly) execute /usr/sbin/msntp -r
> The device time is updated.
> /Claus

Please confirm if this is what I need to do:

1.  Get some software such as putty to log into the touch from my
windows machine.
2.  Type the commands:
ls -la /usr/sbin/m*
execute /usr/sbin/msntp -r

Per John's instructions, I added "sync" to the list of commands.
Is there a particular directory or location that I enter these commands?
It is obvious, I have NEVER done this before.

If I screw this up and brick it, will hiting the reset but undo the

Thanks for your help!


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