adamdea wrote: 
> If you can manage to get the LMS inguz plugin working you can have all
> this and much more besides eg inter channel time delay, various stereo
> controls and even DRC; good luck.

The only problem is that 'inguz requires at least a 2 GHz processor'
( my LMS is on a NAS with
less than that (a 1.8 GHz Atom single core, to be precise). In addition,
the NAS runs on Debian Etch and I'm not sure whether that is supported
by inguz.

But indeed, I have 'installed something similar: ecasound'
Yet, the problem is that it processes the audio for all SB players the
same way (at least I haven't found a way to differentiate between
players), which is useless when it comes to L-R balance but also other
adjustments. And even if I only had one player, ecasound is somewhat
cumbersome to configure so that I'm still hoping for the 'L/R balance
control implementation on the SB Touch itself.'

Nevertheless, if anyone has gotten inguz working on a ReadyNAS Ultra,
please let me know and I'll be happy to try. But my hunch is that it
will be too much.

*Server*: LMS 7.7.3 on a ReadyNAS Ultra 2
*Players*: Radio, Touch, Duet (Receiver & Controller), Boom,
Squeezeplayer on iPad 2
*Remote control apps*: iPeng (iOS), SqueezePad (iOS), Squeezecontroller
*Important plugins*: Trackstat, Spicefly Sugarcube, Lazy Search Music,
Switch Player, SmartMix, Custom Browse
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