I'm trying Roon as a possible replacement for LMS.

When I stream hi-res to a Touch (FW 7.8.0 with EDO 0.9) from RoonServer
on a Fedora 22 machine, after some period of time, maybe  a few seconds,
maybe 20 minutes, the music fails to a white noise-ish noise. Another
user on the Roon forums has a similar setup and the same issue. He says
he can faintly hear the music way down under the noise. This with 192K
files in his case and both 192K and 96K in mine.

I know I've heard this noise before, but I can't remember the
circumstances. Does anybody know what it's a symptom of? Knowing would
help us a lot trying to chase this down.



For what it's worth, both of us have substituted a Mac laptop in place
of the Linux server and Roon streams 192K to the Touch just fine in both
our cases. LMS works fine in both our cases. So we know the Touches are
OK and that Roon can work with Touches.

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