Thank you so much !  It is clear now. :)

bpa wrote: 
> I think you are mixing up "sample rate" and "bit rate"
> Sample rate is the number of audio sample per sec to make up audio
> stream e.g. CD 44,100  16 bit samples 
> The audio stream of a specific sample rate can then be compressed (lossy
> or lossless) into data stream of bits which has a data rate or bit rate
> (i.e. kbits/sec).  The slower the data rate the greater the
> compression.
> Bit rate was important was using live stream such with digital radio DAB
> or TV DVB as player had no buffers - bandwidth of transmission medium
> (e.g. satellite, terrestrial) restricted data rate of compressed audio
> stream of typically 44.1Khz / 48kHz 16 bit.
> Touch is a buffered played so data is sent in bursts so bit rate is not
> sdignificant.
> Touch will decode the data streams and output the audio sample rate of
> the data streams - realtime audio sample rate of 44.1Khz 16 bit will be
> sent from digital output regards of whether the data source is 
> PCM - 1411k
> Flac - about 700kb (can vary according to compression level ) 
> MP3 - typically from 32kbs up to 320kbs
> CBR will have a maximum data rate,  VBR will be varying but an average
> data rate as speced - again the realtime audio sample rate after
> decompressing will be same as source 44.1Khz 16bit

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