JPEG wrote: 
> I am running LMS 8.2.1 - 1634705759.
> My players are stuck on firmware 7.7.3.
> On the players, 7.7.3 is the only "Software Update" that is offered.
> Everything seems to work. (Player wifi subsystem is starting to fail...I
> assume this is unrelated to firmware.)
> I am at heart an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kinda guy.
> Do I really need player firmware > 7.7.3 ?

I think the last official Touch firmware is 7.8.0 r16754 so I would
definitely be inclined to try and get to that version, there may well be
some fixes that will help your wifi issues as Logitech would have been
able to update all aspects (firmware and drivers) of the device.
There's a discussion here on why Touches don't update and how to do it

The versions later than that are Community releases, mostly fixes around
the open source parts, I think Ralphy updated WPA_Supplicant which would
resolve the WPA Krack vulnerability (not sure about Krook though), but
in the Radio they've struggled to find updated wifi drivers, check the
community release changelog linked from this page for what fixes have
been put in place, and decide for yourself:

For what it's worth, I've been running Community Firmware on my one SB
Touch and three SB Radios for months now with no issues, although only
one of the radios are using wifi, all the others are hardwired


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