First, I've been trying to boot a pure toybox system (well, almost pure:
it uses pdksh, a port of OpenBSD's awk which is based on the "One True
AWK", NetBSD sed, and elvis-tiny.)
I tried this command line, which should autoload all the proper drivers:
find /sys -name modalias | xargs cat |xargs modprobe -ab
No modules were loaded.
I then tried adding the '-v' flag to modprobe, at which point I saw that
it printed "queueing "..., then spat out the messages about no
modprobe.d or modprobe.conf, and exited.
modprobing by name works.

Second, I noticed the crond implementation.
Do you have someone working on crontab already, or may I write one?

Isaac Dunham
Toybox mailing list

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