oh, i had a suggestion for the roadmap... perf(1). there are two or
three problems with perf, all of which are the kind of problems that
people on this list are likely to be interested in:

1. perf itself is GPL.
2. perf uses elfutils (libelf), which is GPL.
3. you can't compile elfutils with clang. (heavy use of nested
functions, a GCC extension clang doesn't support. the elfutils guys
seem to be vehemently against fixing that. but then these are people
who use strndupa...)

point 3 is the one that's going to cause problems because it's one of
a very small number of projects in the entire tree that can't be built
with clang, and it's the only thing in the tree where fixing it would
be a major change *and* the upstream owners are actively against the

i suspect at some point Android will end up writing a Java
implementation of perf (because most third party app developers use
Windows), but a native implementation that also worked on Mac OS and
WIndows might still be something Android could use directly in the
IDE. but even something Linux-only would still be useful for platform
developers, and could replace the existing implementation.

(i see people here talk about big things like linkers and compilers
and can't help but think of the smaller things i don't currently have
a good option for :-) )

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