On 2/14/19 7:08 AM, mail...@lists.landley.net wrote:
> This is a Mailman mailing list bounce action notice:
>     List:       Toybox
>     Member:     r...@landley.net
>     Action:     Subscription disabled.
>     Reason:     Excessive or fatal bounces.

I was a bit sleep deprived when I just re-subscribed everybody after the latest
gmail spam false positive unsubscribed everybody from the list for the second
time this week, and I think I clicked on some reason "U" checkboxes in the web
gui by accident. Sorry about that.

(Reason "B" is disabled for bounces, reason "U" means somebody emailed the list
without being subscribed and when I let the message through I clicked te "allow
this person to post to the list in future" option, which subscribes you but
disables the sending-you-mail part.)

I should probably _not_ manually resubscribe everybody next time, because gmail
is just too broken to use with mailing lists. It allows spam filer false
positives to turn into persistent delivery failures, and it false positives on
technical discussions a whole lot, has for years, and is never going to change.

Sorry about this. I don't know how to fix it. Use an email address other than
gmail, or get used to replying to the confirmation messages twice a week. (Gmail
should not be refusing delivery for spam filter reasons, that's just crazy 

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