On 8/29/19 7:53 PM, enh wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 5:30 PM Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
>> On 8/28/19 7:08 PM, enh via Toybox wrote:
>>> i guess now's a good time for another sitrep, since i've been out sick
>>> all week and so had time to poke at various things, and there's been
>>> quite a lot going on:
>>> * after the genuine dd bug found by the continuous tests was fixed,
>>> i've seen no more test failures there.
>> Cool. I'll try to give you a heads up before I do a cleanup pass on anything
>> android's building out of pending.
> don't worry, i'm not as crazy as you think i am ... pending is only
> for on-device ("something is better than nothing"). there are a few
> things in pending that could be used on the host, but my life is
> enough of a plate-spinning exercise as it is without inviting trouble
> :-)
> ("which things in pending?" specifically bc, dd, diff, expr, lsof, and tr.)

The roadmap currently has:

  chrt dd expr getfattr* lsof modprobe more setfattr* tar tr traceroute

Which I should update because I got chrt, setfattr, and tar cleaned up. And I
need to add bc and diff.

The current Android.bp has:


And then later in the same file:


You listed lsof out of the second list but not the others?

>> The android directory's your baby, but could you explain a bit more what you
>> were using them for before, and where you're using them now?
> i used to just have one .config so i'd have to jump through a few
> hoops to be able to use that on the linux host too. now i have
> separate configs, Android stuff only needs to build on Android, so
> portability shmortability.

If they're not needed during the AOSP build and only have to be present on the
target, then sure.

The reason toybox can do ps is it has magic selinux attributes only created
during the AOSP build, not available in the NDK build. I take it all the selinux
attributes in the new filesystem are created during the filesystem packaging 

(I tried to dig into AOSP recently. The Makefile sourced build/make/core/main.mk
which started with ANDROID_BUILD_SHELL and I went off to look up what that was
and wound up reading about https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/wrap-script
instead and never got back... :)

>> Yay. In theory I'm doing that here, in practice it's sometimes just every 
>> couple
>> weeks so I can take a while to spot regressions. And I'm testing vanilla, not
>> android kernel, and not your config...
> (i don't actually know _which_ kernel they're building. it could
> actually be upstream, or it could be the "android common kernel", or
> it could be -- and this is actually the least likely -- a device
> kernel.)

I love reproducible bug reports. Sending real world data through the commands is
how you find real world problems, I'm all for it.

>>>       * anecdotally i've heard that tar and xargs (independently) gave
>>> them problems, but i've yet to receive the promised bug reports.
>> I have a tar bug report pending through github. I think I'm caught up on your
>> xargs patches?
> yeah, other than the ls and find patches i sent you today (the ls one
> found because my attempt to sync with github toybox failed presubmit,
> and the find one found as the next issue with my attempt to switch the
> host over to building with toybox find), i think everything i've sent
> you is in.

I applied 4 patches this morning, hopefully that's caught up.

> (well, there's also the README.md thing that you should
> either accept or close the bug and say "not going to happen" [or
> explain what changes to my patch you'd like

Yup, that's in the prerelease pile for this weekend.

I applied it locally and converted it with the "markdown" command to html and
pointed chrome at it with file:/// and got nearly imperceptible font shifts that
are apparently supposed to mean something? (Is there a missing stylesheet it
expects maybe?) Plus a lot of breakage like:

  Toybox uses the make menuconfig; make; make install idiom same as the Linux
  kernel. Usually you want something like:

  make defconfig make make install

  Or maybe:

It looks like there's a missing <blockquote> tag in the output...?

Presumably the response is "oh the markdown command is broken, github does it
magically right so you can only see what your changes look like after you upload
them to an external website"... which has kinda slowed my acceptance of this
patch. :P

Sigh. I'm probably going to have to push to a branch, view the readme in the
branch on the website, delete the branch, and then push normally. Which makes it
hard to think of this as anything other than Github By Microsoft's proprietary
documentation format...

(I also installed python-markdown but the output only differed by whitespace.
The man page doesn't seem to have a --pretty option or anything?)

> --- that's perfect work
> for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homes_Under_the_Hammer ].)

I watched https://www.hgtv.com/shows/holmes-on-homes instead. Sadly no longer on
netflix. (Fade really likes "Paranormal home inspectors" where a psychic, a
paranormal investigator, and a certified home inspector investigate ghost
sightings. The first two do woo-woo while the inspector explains they have
raccoons or something.

>> I await this opening of this can of worms, but an probably going to try to 
>> cut a
>> release first.
> no, this shouldn't affect you. linux is already switched over, the mac
> binary passes the tests. all i need to do is clean up AOSP to not
> assume the different mac date/stat behaviors. basically just me
> deleting stuff from build files. but _finding_ the stuff to delete
> will be the annoying part...

"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code." - Ken

(Which the internet seem unsure is a real quote, but I saw it in Ken's
handwriting. Back when I was editing The Art of Unix Programming in 2003, the
publisher sent a printout of the first 8 chapters to Ken Thompson for review,
and he sent them back marked up in red pen. That was a note his wrote in the
margin in response to something we'd said, and we liked it so much we put the
quote from him in the text.)

>>> * unrelated, i built a static toybox binary.
>> Yay! (Against bionic?)
> correct. the current (R, not Q!) libc.a.

I'm all for it.

>>>   * the transitive dependencies are pretty gross thanks to the cgroup
>>> stuff. i wonder if anyone uses that enough for it to be really worth
>>> it, or whether we could drop it without anyone noticing?
>> Huh, I did this in nsenter:
>> #define unshare(flags) syscall(SYS_unshare, flags)
>> #define setns(fd, nstype) syscall(SYS_setns, fd, nstype)
>> Precisely to _reduce_ dependencies. Do you mean the CLONE flags being 
>> defined,
>> or...?
> no, the Android cgroup stuff. grep ps.c for ANDROID. basically so ps
> can say "bg" or "fg" or whatever rather than an int.

In all caps there's just the one?

    sprintf(not_o = toybuf+128,
            FLAG(T) ? "CMD" : "NAME");

The other case insensitive hits are about scheduling policy and a todo about
field size?

bg and fg... the shell commands?

I've missed a curve here.

>>>   * ran tests (with some difficulty) on jellybean, and had about 100
>>> failures out of about 1200 tests. (`adb shell` didn't return exit
>>> status that far back, so this is grep for PASS and FAIL rather than
>>> the usual output from my little test runner.)
>> Statically linked against a newer bionic, but running on the older kernel?
> correct.

Seems pretty reasonable then. Do you have a dump of what the failures are so we
can categorize them?

>> You sent a link to https://developer.android.com/about/dashboards which says
>> Jellybean is 3.2% of machines checking into the play store or some such. Even
>> adding in the 0.6% from the previous 2 releases, that means 96% of all 
>> android
>> devices are running kitkat or newer.
> aye, but our self-imposed albatross is that we wait until the share is < 1%.

Works for me. (And technically the 7 year horizon agrees with you. :)

>> While the 7 year horizon is a bit over Kit Kat's introduction 6 years and 1
>> month ago, historical static binary thing is a new feature. I'm ok anchoring 
>> it
>> to kitkat if you are. That's still going back 2 releases before toybox was
>> _introduced_.
> ...which is exactly why those devices need a static toybox the most :-)
> i wish i had a good idea of "oldest release anyone's doing any serious
> testing on", but i don't. (and like i say, the shell and adb are awful
> that far back too. i don't think adb was fixed until N :-( )

I'm in the process of writing a proper shell you can |& with, which can handle
its own job control and such. I have:

  $ cat boing |& sed s/boing/walrus/
  cat: walrus: No such file or directory

In my test pile. Alas, it is by _no_ means there yet, but I am at least working
on it. :)

A thing I've had on my todo list for a while is a pty wrapper that can create a
pty master and call a child process with fake tty info, and turn the tty
requests into some sort of annotation on the output. There's some significant
design work there, but without it I dunno how you test "top" and such.

Closest I've found out there is https://github.com/martinpitt/umockdev which is
mostly addressing stuff I'm trying to throw QEMU at instead. But a closer look
is on the todo list...

>>>   * a bunch of the failures are because the current tz code in libc.a
>>> doesn't support the tz data format back in jellybean. i _think_ kitkat
>>> was the transition, so i'd like to rerun the tests when i've had
>>> chance to plug a kitkat device in at my desk.
>>>   * regardless, it seems like it might be plausibly useful to make a
>>> static toybox available on ci.android.com. don't know whether you'd
>>> want to link to that (which was why i pinged you on that bug about
>>> switching to README.md like all the cool kids).
>> I'm happy to do that, and from the website's nav bar. And yes, I need to 
>> catch
>> up on patches this weekend, that's one in the stack for this release.
> it's certainly easier than folks trying to build toybox themselves...

I need to get the FAQ updated with build instructions for various targets. (It's
in the README, but more docs doesn't hurt...)

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