On 08/09/19 11:12, Rob Landley wrote:

On 9/2/19 6:33 PM, scsijon wrote:
sed was an example I gave, not a direct command.

On 03/09/19 07:58, Rob Landley wrote:
On 9/1/19 8:47 PM, Denys Nykula wrote:
Which is where we come back to the question, what and how are others
dealing with this problem and is there a need for a simple and basic
installer inside toybox?

In gentoo I have this /etc/portage/bashrc hook symlink toybox to every
command missing or linked to nowhere, after package install or removal:

if test "$EBUILD_PHASE" = postinst || test "$EBUILD_PHASE" = postrm; then
    for i in `toybox`; do
      toybox which $i 2>&1 >/dev/null || toybox ln -fsv toybox /bin/$i
    which awk 2>&1 >/dev/null || ln -fsv nawk /bin/awk
    which vi 2>&1 >/dev/null || ln -fsv vim /bin/vi

Those last two are on the todo list. But after toysh and route, which mkroot
needs. (And vi might be after make, and promoting half the stuff currently in

Sorry, but I like vi, it was the first 'editor' I learn't to use on a mainframe
back in the early years, a lot better and easier than ed was, and you did have
to be carefull what you did back then as you were working on a 'live' system.

I don't see how that relates to this conversation? I said vi is on the todo
list, but I'm not working on it yet because it's a big job to do it right and
I've currently got my hands full with the shell and need route and make to make
mkroot work so those come first?

Maybe it was that you had a link from vi to vim that made me worry.

It's nice that you've used vi for a long time...?

Since I symlink `/sbin` to `bin` and `/usr` to `.`,

I go the other way with /usr (symlink the top level bin/sbin/lib into usr)
because I don't want more debris (include, local, share...) at the top level.

I've seen and used these systems, but sorry I prefer to keep some separation,

Have fun with it, again... don't see the relevance?>
I don't have to deal
with paths. When I need some replacements from busybox:

for i in head ifconfig route sed; do ln -fsv busybox /bin/$i; done

What do you need head, ifconfig or sed for? (What is the toybox version missing
and/or getting wrong?)

not necessary wrong, just not what's wanted in the instance, maybe it's the
format or it's providing too much information to parse with and therefor taking
unnecessary processor cycles to process or causing extra cleanup cycles, thus
taking up visable time.

*blink* *blink. Nope, still not following. Maybe it's me today...

# Use... And restore toybox:
find /bin -lname busybox -print -delete
EBUILD_PHASE=postrm . /etc/portage/bashrc

You can't link sed-BB to busybox because busybox guesses it's sed by
name match.

I did say it was an example, the change is changing busybox's sed link to sed-BB
and it works still,

You had /bin/sed pointing to busybox. You replace that with /bin/sed pointing to
toybox. But it was "busybox's link".

How does the symlink belong to either? It points _to_ one of them. But since it
used to point to busybox it's busybox's by divine right?

(Have fun with busybox if that's what you like. I used to maintain it. Heck, I
wrote the majority of busybox sed.)

Not my choice!

trying a sed-BB --version gives a busybox answer (and doing
it the wrong way gives an applet missing error),

Um, no?

$ busybox sed --version
This is not GNU sed version 4.0
$ toybox sed --version
This is not GNU sed version 9.0

Guess why it does that?


(I can start singing "You're welcome" if it would help?)

while with toybox installed the
command sed --version should give a toybox answer and sed-FULL --version gives a
sed command answer.

In that particular case 2 of the 3 will lie to placate autoconf's regex.

When toybox can't find a command I made it dereference one level of symlink to
get a new name to try. (And then if that name is "toybox", barf.)

Not sure I like this, if I understand you correctly, so, with toybox installed,
I couldn't create a sed-TOY with a link to toybox, and expect toybox's version
of sed to work, it doesn't do a internal partial-name lookup?

Um, neither does busybox?

$ ln -s $(which busybox) sed-blah
$ ./sed-blah
sed-blah: applet not found

I'm the guy who added the partial name lookup for _busybox_ back in the day
because I started looking at a bug that needed fixing:


And wound up doing https://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=b766c394569c to
preserve the subset of the behavior that was useful without the "busybox no
longer has devfsd so I can go devfsd rm -rf /" bug.

If so, sorry, but
it's a little user unfriendly.

Again, I have NO clue what you mean by this.

What I taught toybox to do is:

   $ ln -s toybox echo
   $ ln -s echo potato
   $ ./potato one two three
   one two three

And that means you CAN have an "echo-toybox" symlink, pointing to ~/toybox/echo,
which is itself a symlink to /bin/toybox. And it should all work fine.

AH, thank you, and I didn't even think of that way of doing it, much better than my idea. So I could put toybox's direct links in /usr/local/toybox (which is not in the HOME path so not available directly) and create symlinks as something like /usr/local/bin/echo-toy (which would be in the path) to /usr/local/toybox/echo (which is a symlink to /usr/bin/toybox). That sorts out most of what I want to do as a first stage. And no I don't want you to do it if I can, that's not your job. It's my problem really to sort out. I just needed to pick your brains how to do that in case you hadn't. I will need in the end, to create a toybox.pet package for it to be added for our users to use.

All I will then need to do, is to trap what's already in the system as links from busybox and rename them and what is a full command and rename that, then i'm up and running, ?easy?.

I.E. I implemented a way to do what you want already, you just don't seem to
want to do it that way and want me to implement another way to do the same 

But then, I'm having trouble understanding this thread.

I think I am too, i've got to stop reading and replying to people when it's almost time to get up and haven't been to bed yet, i'm getting too old for this.


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