You did ask for submissions for '?possibly missing?' commands!

Can I ask for these two to be considered to be added to your 'todo' list please?

showkey - which shows what's assigned to a specific pressed key (usually octal, but could be multi-byte hexidecimal or even a character stream on some keyboards).


setkey (modified busybox setkeycodes) - matching showkey to allow multi-byte assignments under a key combination (and not just busybox's single octal, as with their setkeycodes).

I have extra keys on most of my keyboards (and suspect most people do). I'd like to either use or (better) reuse them and these commands should allow me to find their codes and re-assign them to not be 'wasted' or duplicate' keycodes, hell I even have a couple of 64key programable keyboards with usb plugs that came to me from somewhere where I can internally assign up to 16bytes to each key. They have a socket to plug you 'normal' keyboard into, so work as a pass-through for those keys. I just need to be able to set them up for better use.

Or maybe you have a better way of doing it generically?

O.T. I do miss your aborigonal, I still have a working .pet you helped me setup from back then. It can still be chroot'd into on our 32bit Puppies.
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