
After a fresh (clean) download at r49025, and doing a first visual scan-through, I found what I think are wrong entries in files (/target/generic/pkgsel/ and /target/generic/pkgsel/ I have updated my copies, with ammended copies attached for your perusal and update, the others were already ok or had already been changed. I shall continue checking for a while before attempting a 20-minimal build.

Yes, i'm about to start building with T2 again, and no doubt causing headaches on the mail lists as I find things to annoy about. I shall start with a standard libc before attempting to create a musl/gcc and then musl/clang/llvm versions, unless you already have suitable buildfiles available for me to use or test for you.


ps appologies in advance to everyone if any spelling errors get through for a while, a new keyboard after 12 years, with a minimally different horizontal keyspacings is causing (hellish) problems, i'm double and tripple checking everything, but ocassionally one still gets through. Old keyboard type was just no longer available!
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# T2 SDE: target/generic/pkgsel/
# Copyright (C) 2004 - 2019 The T2 SDE Project
# More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the
# GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING.

# TITLE: Minimalistic package selection and

# Copyright T2 Project, Sandra Dismar, Rene Rebe, et al.

# reuse the minimal
include target/generic/pkgsel/

# new xcb deps
X libxml
X libxslt

# needed by xsm:
X netkit-rsh

# needed by at least fonconfig
X gperf

# needed by xkeyboard-config, shared-mime-info
X perl-xml-parser
X intltool

# the basic modular tree

X xorgproto
X fontcacheproto
X xcb-proto
X xorg/*ext
X xorg/*lib*
O libxp
O libxprintutil
O libxprintapputil
X xorg-util-macros
X xcb-util
X xcb-util-keysyms
X xf86-input-mouse
X xf86-input-keyboard
X libevdev
X libinput
X xf86-input-libinput
X mtdev
X xf86-input-evdev
X xf86-input-synaptics
= xorg/*xf86-video-*
O xf86-video-qxl
X xorg/font-alias
X fslsfonts
X fstobdf
X bdftopcf
X rgb
X xbitmaps
X xorg-server
X xinit
X xrdb
X xauth
X iceauth
X fontconfig
X mkfontdir
X mkfontscale
X xcursorgen
X xtrans
X libxau
X xcmiscproto
X xkbcomp
X xkeyboard-config
X setxkbmap
X llvm
X mesa
X epoxy
X makedepend
X mesa-demos
X cairo
X rman
X imake
X cf
X gccmakedep
X pixman

X xconsole
X xsm
X xhost
x xkill
X xdpyinfo
X xwininfo
X xrandr
X xmag
X xorg/xset*
X xev

X freetype
X gle
X freeglut
X lesstif
X libjpeg
X libpng
X libungif
X libgd
X libtiff
X netpbm
X xaw3d

# a display-, window-manager and terminal
X xdm
X twm
X xterm

# basic audio i/o
X alsa-lib
X alsa-utils
# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# T2 SDE: target/generic/pkgsel/
# Copyright (C) 2004 - 2019 The T2 SDE Project
# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2003 ROCK Linux Project
# More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the
# GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING.
# TITLE: Minimalistic package selection, and basic desktop

# reuse the minimal-xorg
include target/generic/pkgsel/

# some required stuff
X libusb
X libidl
X sudo

# graphics
X libart
X sane-backends
X lcms
X libgphoto

# some more X stuff
X xcompmgr
X blackbox
X rxvt-unicode

# fonts
X bitstream-vera-fonts
X freefonts

# printing
X ghostscript
X ghostscript-fonts
X cups
X gutenprint

# gtk/gnome
X atk
X pango
X harfbuzz
X cairo
X gdk-pixbuf
X gtk+
X gtkdoc
X gobject-introspection

# kde
X dbus
X dbus-glib
X wpa_supplicant
X qt
X qt4
X automoc4
X phonon
X strigi
X shared-mime-info
X qimageblitz
X docbookx
X soprano
X kdelibs
X attica

# multimedia
X ffmpeg
X mplayer
X mplayer-fonts

# sound
X alsa-utils
X alsa-lib
X libogg
X libmad
X sox
X flac
X libvorbis
X libcdio
X lame
X audiofile
X taglib
X agg

# apps
X exact-image
X xpdf
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