On 9/21/21 2:56 PM, enh via Toybox wrote:
> (I was looking at this code because I was looking at the output in a bug
> report, and wasn't sure what `up  1:09` meant. It's annoying that -p is
> a lot more readable, but doesn't include load averages, otherwise I'd be
> tempted to move Android's bugreports over to `uptime -p` so that no-one
> would ever have to scratch their heads about this again...)

I have just made Denys Vlasenko sad.


(Not that I feel THAT bad about it since the move from bash 4.4.2 to 5.0.3 BROKE
THREE of my "TEST_HOST=1 make test_sh" regression tests. Grumble grumble
compatibility with a moving target. We need an actual bash _standard_.)
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