yeah, this broke the github CI too ---

On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 10:52 PM Oliver Webb via Toybox
<> wrote:
> When I saw that fold got promoted, I pulled the repo and ran make.  Instead of
> compiling cleanly, fold.c gave a error that a 'xgetdelim()' didn't exist.
> "grep -R"-ing through the code, it was only mentioned in fold.c.
> I tried to fix this originally by trying to implement xgetdelim, but
> the problem is probably that some un-commited changes were made to
> lib/xwrap.c. which fold.c based itself on.  then when _only_ fold.c got
> committed were errors apparent.
> I can't get a good fix for this command that looks reasonable, compiles,
> and passes it's tests; Best I have done was make something that passed the
> first test case.
> Rob, If you have some changes you made to xwrap.c. Can you commit them?
> "make defconfig toybox" no longer works. And everything about this error makes
> me think this was a "Develop and test fold.c under a uncommited version of
> xwrap.c with xgetdelim(), then only update fold.c" issue. Especially since
> versions of fold before it's promotion don't use xgetdelim and compile ceanly
> - Oliver Webb <>
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