On 10/7/23 00:35, Oliver Webb wrote:
>> Is it the "touch" that fails, or tar? Because the test is doing:
> Putting a ' || echo "whatever" ' after the touch command that creates the 
> long filenames shows nothing, 
> these are the logs from the test failure:
> ln: failed to create symbolic link 'dir/[250 CHAR FILENAME (starts with 6)]' 
> -> '[255 CHAR FILENAME (starts with 1)]': File name too long
> tar: dir/[250 CHARACTER FILENAME (starts with 6)]: File name too long
> tar: had errors
> FAIL: tar create long->long

Aha, that's a different test. That's doing:

  ln -s $LONG dir/${LONG:5}
  testing "create long->long" "$TAR dir/${LONG:5} | SUM 7" \
    "b9e24f53e27496c5125445230d201b4a36ff7398\n" "" ""

And the ln call before tar is failing, which on ext4 does:

$ LONG=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
$ LONG=${LONG:1:255}
$ mkdir dir
$ ln -s $LONG dir/${LONG:5}
$ ls -l dir
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 landley landley 255 Oct  8 00:58
6789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef ->

(I had mercy and manually wordwrapped that last bit.)

And in fact:

$ touch dir/$(readlink dir/*)
landley@driftwood:~/toybox/toybox/subb$ ls -l dir
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 landley landley   0 Oct  8 01:02

But the thing is, it's not saying _link_ too long. A link can be a path, or an
arbitrary string, it's not policed by the filesystem until you try to resolve 

$ ln -s "$(seq 1 1000 | xargs)" dir/potato
$ ls dir/potato
ls: cannot access 'dir/potato': File name too long
$ ls -ld dir/potato | wc
      1    1010    3954

It's saying the _filename_ that ln is trying to create is too long. I.E. it's
not that ecryptfs can't handle a filename of length 255, it can't handle one of
length 250. What is the maximum...


Filenames expand during encryption, and the maximum length ecryptfs supports is
143 characters. Right, lemme try to get it to skip that test if the ln fails...

>> Do you mean the tests/truncate.test entry:
>> testing "is sparse" "truncate -s 1g freep && [ $(stat -c %b freep) -le 8 ] &&
>> echo okay" "okay\n" "" ""
>> Which is doing a "truncate -s 1g file" and then asking state if the file with
>> literally no contents used less than 8 512-byte blocks of storage?
> That's the one

Try now.

>> Is it triggering ASAN in mkpasswd or in a different toybox command out of the
>> $PATH? (Yay reproduction sequence, but WHAT did it reproduce?)
> Putting toybox commands into my PATH runs test_mkpasswd fine, So I don't 
> think it's some other toybox command.
> And since the lib/password.c plumbing got rewritten and needs to be audited 
> that naturally seemed
> like the issue.

Quite likely. I wonder why it's passing for me?

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