On 10/16/23 19:28, Oliver Webb wrote:
>> That said, a -l long output version that has the raw number, and the human
>> readable, and time, and recent/total rate, might be useful? (I'd prefer -l
>> instead of -v, but same general concept.)
> I added a -l[ong] option in the below patch, It only shows the average rate, 
> not recent

I was 2/3 through adding -l myself when I saw this. Credited you with the idea
in the checkin comment.

> While trying to do math with the time, 
> I noticed that 'then' was never set to anything after initialization to 0, 
> and 'now' is only used while setting it to millitime(). 

Indeed, that's part of the reason I started fiddling with it...

> Which means the check for "Have we already done this in the last 250ms?" 
> might as well be 
> "if(millitime()<250) continue;". I fixed this by setting 'then' at the end of 
> the for loop

Let me know if I screwed stuff up this time, I've been under the weather the
past few days...


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