On 3/15/24 16:24, enh wrote:
>     Sure, but that said some tests _DO_ care about the exact amount of 
> whitespace
>     (are columns aligned), or tabs vs spaces.
> i know what you mean, but at the same time, i'm struggling to thing of a 
> single
> case i've been involved with where the "upstream" tool hasn't screwed me over 
> by
> doing something stupid sooner or later...

Yup. And yet...

I'm thinking maybe strip _trailing_ whitespace? It's not user-visible and I
can't think of an instance where it's semantically relevant. (LEADING whitespace
is semantically relevant all the time, interstitial a lot too. But trailing
generally shouldn't BE there...)

> CANONICALIZE_SPACE_IF_RUNNING_HOST_VERSION=1? so we trust ourselves but no-one
> else? :-)

I _don't_ trust myself, and I'm not special. (That's policy.)

>     The problem is "dump hex" isn't a big enough job that pulling it out into 
> a
>     library function that can be shared is really a win. It's another one of 
> those
>     "the fighting is so vicious because the stakes are so small" things. 
> Maybe if I
>     could genericize the "show hex in 4 digit groups, now do octal!" variants 
> into
>     some sort of engine... but I worry that the glue to call the engine would 
> be
>     bigger than any savings.
> od and hexdump are weird there in that the former lets you express quite a 
> large
> variety of different dumps, and the latter (i think) pretty much anything. i
> have wondered whether the others can't mostly be written in terms of hexdump.
> (xxd still has all the reverse stuff, but as long as no-one else does, that's
> not duplication.)

Yeah, it _seems_ like there's something I can do there, but I'm tired of being
distracted by it.

>     *shrug* Punt that for a potential post-1.0 cleanup pass, and lump it in 
> the
>     meantime...
> yeah, like you say, these are some of the simplest commands anyway. i'd be a 
> lot
> more worried if we had four seds or four shells :-)

At the end of my tenure, busybox had FIVE shells, although that last one was my
fault and two of them were the "xkcd standards" problem.

Erik did lash (lame-ass shell) to be tiny, Ash was the bigass lump of complexity
copied out of debian or some such and nailed to the side of the project by that
insane Russian developer who never did learn english and communitcated entirely
through a terrible translator program (so any conversation longer than 2
sentences turned into TL;DR in EITHER direction, he was also hugely territorial
about anybody else touching "his" code), and msh was the minix shell mostly used
on nommu systems.

Somebody then started hush as the "one shell to rule them all" replacement but
work on it petered out. Not sure whose baby that was because the entire busybox
community collapsed at about the same time: Erik Andersen ran a startup and got
so overworked his marriage nearly collapsed, Manuel Nova's girlfriend died,
Glenn McGrath tried a GPL enforcement action down in australia/new zealand and
it left such a bad taste in his mouth he quit open source development entirely,
Mike Frysinger started maintaining seperate for-profit forks of every project he
touched and never pushing anything upstream which eventually resulted in the
blackfin architecture (his dayjob) being declared dead and yanked from
linux/arch and never even making it into qemu... And that's ignoring the whole
uclibc->buildroot saga...

*shrug* Hush dying was pretty minor in context: the busybox community imploded
and I stepped in to prop up what I could until Bruce went "you, volunteer who is
mopping the floors, you're doing it wrong, do it MY WAY, I have _seniority_ and
you've been doing everything in my name all along anyway whether you know it nor

Anyway, before all that happened I printed out the bash man page into a 3 ring
binder to read on the bus and started my own "one shell to rule them all",
bbsh.c, and work ended on that when bruce chased me off busybox. Denys removed
it pretty early on in his tenure, but as far as I'd gotten was what was checked
in to pending until the current round of shell work started...

>     Yes I saw your email in the other thread about pending not being granular
>     enough, but didn't really have anything coherent to say in response? I see
>     pending as an unfinished todo heap I need to drain, and I feel bad for not
>     cleaning it up fast enough. Doing non-cleaning work there is like 
> organizing
>     trash piles. Attempting to categorize the bulk wasn't an unambiguous win 
> even
>     for toys/ which is _intended_ to keep growing rather than shrink, so 
> adding it
>     to pending doesn't appeal. I don't really want spend architectural design 
> cycles
>     on scaffolding that gets torn down again.
> indeed.
> i think the only half-way practical idea i had was "keep pending but just 
> switch
> to a much scarier name".

I need to clean it all up. I just haven't quite gotten my groove back
post-pandemic and people keep submitting distracting bug reports for the
existing code. (The downside of having users: they find stuff.)

> because, to be fair to the confused, in english
> "pending" _can_ legitimately mean "almost there". whereas your whole point 
> with
> pending is "i actually have _no_ idea how close this is yet".

Linux has drivers/staging but I didn't like that.

> if i _had_ to do
> something today, renaming "pending" to "experimental" is probably where i'd
> land.

Which has the same "git log/annotate doesn't follow renames by default" problem
that moving everything BACK out of toys/*/blah.c into toys/blah.c has. (And
there's no short option to do it either.)

> but then this would look rather suspect over in the aosp build system:
>     "toys/pending/diff.c",
>     "toys/pending/expr.c",
>     "toys/pending/tr.c",
> ...
>     "toys/pending/brctl.c",
>     "toys/pending/getfattr.c",
>     "toys/pending/lsof.c",
>     "toys/pending/modprobe.c",
>     "toys/pending/more.c",
>     "toys/pending/stty.c",
>     "toys/pending/traceroute.c",
>     "toys/pending/vi.c",
> :-)

It _is_ somewhat suspect. But then so is mkroot enabling ifconfig and sh.

> oh, btw, i realized next time i tried why i've struggled to make myself do
> `toys/*/foo.c` ... it's because the shell won't tab-expand through the `/*/`
> even if only one directory matches, and i tab complete all the time :-(

That is a downside, yes.

However, if everything was in one big directory, none of it would be in pending
or example...


P.S. I need to do more work on the shell conditional execution stuff, because:

$ export ZAP=42
$ echo ${ZAP=$(echo potato >&2)then}
$ echo $ZAP
$ unset ZAP
$ echo ${ZAP=$(echo potato >&2)then}
$ echo $ZAP

Means I can theoretically go ${VERSION:=$(git describe)} without the command
getting run when it isn't needed, but right now bash gets that right and toysh
doesn't yet...
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