On 3/17/24 15:10, Ivo van Poorten wrote:
>> In THEORY each man page has a "name" section with a one line
>> description, and there should be a way to emit them all, but if
>> there's a standard way to do it without writing a shell script I
>> dunno what it is. I generally just do
> It looks like apropos is just man -k.
> Lots of not so useful output though:
> $ apropos ls | wc -l
> 548
> $ man -k ls | wc -l
> 548

And "man -k ." lists them all. Good to know.

$ man -k . | wc -l

Yeah, lots of debris, but that's a distro issue. No obvious way to limit it by
section either...

$ man -k . | sort -t'(' -k2,2n | less

Eh, sort of reasonable-ish? Assuming you care about allcm, bibdoiadd and


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