On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 07:53, Rob Landley wrote:

>>> Going through the list of "minimal tools" on https://suckless.org/rocks/,
> Not really a fan of that site. I did a roadmap section on them long ago
> (https://landley.net/toybox/roadmap.html#sbase), but I'm trying to implement
> mostly compatible versions of things that already exist, and they're trying to
> invent new things that didn't previously exist because https://xkcd.com/927/
> which I mostly consider fragmentation rather than helping, and I try not to
> encourage them.

sbase is dead, suckless spends most of their time
Implementing X applications and other useful tools.
I don’t like them due to their community being very
insular, but that’s another problem.

Funnily enough, sbase’s readme mentions toybox in
“List of commands we implement”. But I don’t think pulls
in toybox code.

> You're once again telling me what I did was not good enough for you, and that 
> I am wrong, and must change to suit you

Um… yes? That is a very dramatic way to describe the
development process of every single piece of software.
Isn’t any patch or feature request ever submitted “this is
“not good enough” to fit my use case. Can we change it
so it does?”

Your project is really cool; that is why I am here.
Compacting over 200 command line tools into
under 500k of executable space is a amazing feat.
That being said, does that make it perfect? If it was
perfect, what reason would I need to be here?

Lashing out at me for being abrasive (a model I largely
picked up from you and how you interact with projects like
Linux-kernel, by the way) is one thing. Lashing out at me
Because “you are admitting that my work isn’t absolutely
flawless and trying to get work done to remedy it”

>>> But to have a solution, you must have a problem. The 2 main issues I have 
>>> with the current git management
>>> are the fact
> I'm very tired.

There is nothing stopping you from taking a break.
I submit most of my emails to you with the assumption
that you’ll get it to eventually, This being one of them.

> I do not have source tree snapshots up. Kinda hard to do in a static manner
> without uploading rather a LOT of files

The full tree only contains a few hundred files, the table
of commits has 11000 I think counting the symlinks

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teaching_grandmother_to_suck_eggs

I’ve personally never seen “Don’t do research and post
the products of it showing what you know which helps
understand why I think something is a good solution
because someone else has already done that and
Thought of absolutely everything 100% guaranteed”
A productive development model, but you’ve probably
Already thought of it, so I shouldn’t do any research on it…

- Oliver Webb <aquahobby...@proton.me>

P.S. I personally don’t mind and can deal with the
model of “Ruthless Pragmatism”. But when the
complainants are “you are saying my code isn’t
perfect and suggesting changes” and “you are doing
research I already did years ago (sorry for not magically knowing that or even 
(*dramatic gasp*) peer reviewing
it) and mentioning it
to form a coherent model to base your suggestions on.”,
I fail to see what “pragmatism” has to do with any of it…
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