On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 11:53:15AM +0200, Francesca Ciceri wrote:
> ...e il secondo...
> https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable = Abilita HTTPS Everywhere
> https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable = Disabilita HTTPS Everywhere
> https-everywhere.menu.enableDisable = Abilita / Disabilita regole
> https-everywhere.menu.noRules = (nessuna regola per questa pagina)
> https-everywhere.menu.unknownRules = (regole per questa pagina sconosciute)
> https-everywhere.toolbar.hint = HTTPS Everywhere è ora attivo. Puoi 
> disattivarlo sito per sito cliccando l'icona nella barra degli indirizzi.
> https-everywhere.migration.notification0 = Al fine di implementare una 
> correzione importante, questo aggiornamento ripristina le preferenze di HTTPS 
> Everywhere ai loro valori predefiniti.
> https-everywhere.menu.ruleset-tests = Esegui i test delle regole di HTTPS 
> Everywhere

Questo l'originale:

https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable = Enable HTTPS Everywhere
https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable = Disable HTTPS Everywhere
https-everywhere.menu.enableDisable = Enable / Disable Rules
https-everywhere.menu.noRules = (No Rules for This Page)
https-everywhere.menu.unknownRules = (Rules for This Page Unknown)
https-everywhere.toolbar.hint = HTTPS Everywhere is now active. You can toggle 
it on a site-by-site basis by clicking the icon in the address bar.
https-everywhere.migration.notification0 = In order to implement a crucial fix, 
this update resets your HTTPS Everywhere rule preferences to their default 
https-everywhere.menu.ruleset-tests = Run HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests

"On va rester motivé contre les dégueulasses"
Zebda, Motivés, Le chant des partisans

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

principale: http://www.linux.it/tp/
ausiliaria: http://fly.cnuce.cnr.it/gnu/tp/ausiliaria.html

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